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Rossella Ferrandino

Front-end Engineer

profile picture

Hi 👋 I'm Rossella

I’m a Software Engineer and Co-Owner at Nama Studio, Milano.

I’ve always admired how technology has the power to change our world. I use my problem solving skills and my technical knowledge to tackle problems that are meaningful to me and to society.

Whether it’s through empowering sustainable businesses to sell their products online or sharing knowledge and building a supporting community, I love working on projects that have an impact on society.

I specialize in Shopify theme development, UX design and technical writing. For many years I was an active member of the non-profit organization Women Who Code. Since the closing of Women Who Code, I have been helping out the Tokyo-based Women in Software Engineering Japan.

A quick summary of my career

Even though I was fairly good at math as a kid, I never thought a career in software engineering would be something I could pursue or I would be interested in. I decided to study Chinese language instead, first in Venice and then at SOAS University of London.

While in London, I started working for one of the most interesting independent cinema companies in the UK, Everyman Cinema. What started as a hospitality job turned into a career in marketing and customer retention, as I was in charge of the loyalty program for the cinema chain.

Working with the team of developers and designers to completely re-imagine the UX for the paid subscribers and launch the new membership scheme, made me want to learn more about web development.

I started spending my evenings going through the FreeCodeCamp tutorials and attending events organised by Codebar and Women Who Code, non-profit organisations where people volunteered to teach coding.

In 2018, my husband and I moved to Tokyo, where I decided to focus on becoming a developer. I worked at Flagship LLC, the first Shopify Plus partner in Japan, where I focused on customising e-commerce stores on Shopify and coding ad-hoc features to fit the clients’ business strategies. I learned a lot from my colleagues at Flagship and from the Japan tech community, especially the Women Who Code Tokyo chapter where I volunteered for a while.

At Flagship, I met Silvia and Lavinia. They founded Nama Studio, a boutique e-commerce agency that builds solutions for sustainable brands in Italy. In 2021, I joined Nama Studio as a Partner and Technical Lead. We dedicate half of our work capacity to projects that are inclusive, eco-friendly and supportive of diversity. At Nama I focus on translating into code the clients’ business requirements and on designing simple and clear UX e-commerce websites.

Besides my job, I enjoy writing - both technical blog posts about what I am learning and travel blog articles about my trips across the world.



  • JavaScript
  • React
  • TypeScript
  • Tailwind
  • GraphQL
  • Node.js
  • SEO


  • Design user-centered interfaces
  • Wireframing
  • Prototyping
  • Responsive design
  • User research
  • Usability testing
  • E-commerce specific UX

And more

I have skills in other fields such as technical writing and e-commerce optimization.
I also have experience in delivering technical workshops and presentations on Shopify theme development.

Download my resume

Nice to meet you!

My work

This is a collection of personal projects and open source contributions.
To view the professional Shopify projects I develop at Nama Studio, visit the agency's portfolio.

Shopify custom theme

Preview image - Nama custom theme


Nama Studio


Custom Shopify theme for internal use, focus on the fashion industry. The store is password-protected, password is "namastudio".


  • Liquid templating language
  • JavaScript
  • CSS
Read about process and lessons learned

Recipe box

Preview image - Recipe box

Web development

Personal project

Simple CRUD application for recipes, using local storage to save and retrieve data. Project built to practice React and Tailwind.


  • React
  • Tailwind
  • Data persistence with local storage
Github repo

Wedding website

Preview image - wedding website

Web development

Personal project

ReactJS web app to manage the RSVPs to my wedding. I also wrote some technical articles on this project.


  • Data persistance with Firebase
  • i18n - Italian and English
  • Google maps integration
Go to demo website

WiSE Japan

Preview image - women in software engineering Japan

Web development

Open source contribution

Helped out with the temporary website for the Women in Software Engineering Japan, while learning more about Vite and TypeScript.


  • Vite + Vitest
  • Lighthouse Actions
  • TypeScript
Learn more about WiSE Japan or checkout the Github repo.

SpeakHer Japan

Preview image - SpeakHer Japan

Web development

Open source contribution

Contributed to SpeakHer, a database of women public speakers in Japan. The project was featured on The Japan Times and was led by the leadership team of Women Who Code Tokyo.


  • Vue.js
  • Airtable
Go to website or check out the Github repo.

Local Volunteer app & website

Preview image - Local Volunteer UX design

UX design


UX design for mobile app & responsive website for a fictional service that helps people find volunteering opportunities in their local area. This project is part of the Google UX design professional certificate.


  • Figma
  • App design
  • User research, competitive analysis
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Find a mentor

Preview image - Find a mentor UX design

UX design


UX design from concept to delivery of mentor request flow for fictional a tech bootcamp. This project is part of the Google UX design professional certificate.


  • Adobe XD
  • Responsive design based on user research
  • Usability testing
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Enoteca omnichannel app

Preview image - Enoteca UX design

UX design


UX design for omnichannel app for a fictional boutique retailer of wine and spirits. This project is part of the Google UX design professional certificate.


  • Figma
  • App design
  • User research, competitive analysis
Go to case study


You can reach out for:

  • Japan-based job opportunities
  • Travel ideas
  • Mentorship
  • Tech articles ideas and requests
  • Advice on visiting Japan
  • Italian cooking tips

Contact me directly

Rossella Ferrandino

Looking to relocate to Tokyo, Japan

Drop me an email

Find me online